Case Study

Running IT

Autotask | Small-Medium MSP

Running IT

Running IT is a 20-employee MSP based in the Netherlands. Founded in 2005, Running IT has helped many SMBs over the years to be optimally agile and use IT in a smart way to achieve strategic advantages. Owner Rob Zwezereijn and his team believe in passion, expertise, customer involvement, and being true to their word.


The first challenge faced by Running IT is increasingly common among growing, medium-sized MSPs. Business growth means more customers to support, and more sales orders to manage. Orders for new user laptops, with a mouse, keyboard, Windows and Office 365 licenses etc. are a daily occurrence. Due to such growth, Rob and his team noticed that these requests, quotes, and orders were starting to take up a lot of precious sales team time.

Running IT also want to ensure their customers purchase hardware and software as part of their approved products and services, not from other retailers. This is to ensure Running IT can provide standardised services and support across all their managed customers.

At a glance...


  • Sales orders are taking too much time to create.
  • Customers buying the wrong hardware from retailers.


  • Less time on sales admin, more time for customers.
  • Customers only buying standardised products and services.
  • Stronger link between sales and services.
  • Increased customer revenue.


To reduce the time spent on orders without compromising on customer service, Rob was looking for a more efficient quoting tool. Rob and his team quickly found the solution with Salesbuildr’s template-based quoting functionality.

Running IT’s sales teams can now build and send quotes in minutes. Automated real-time stock and pricing from their distributors meant there were no pricing or availability issues, all whilst instantly updating Running IT’s Autotask PSA records.

To ensure customers only bought approved products and services, Running IT utilised Salesbuildr’s product management and self-service customer storefront, completely white labelled and branded as Running IT to their customers.

Running IT’s customers can now easily upscale new employees in minutes. Each Running IT customer has unique settings and accessibility for the self-service storefront, completely controlled by Running IT.


Since adopting Salesbuildr, quotes can be easily created by sales support staff. Customers receive more value from senior account managers, as they have more time for in-depth conversations.

The link between sales and service teams has been made stronger. Customers have a standardised set of products and services to choose from via the storefront. This standardisation allows Running IT to manage what they sell, who they sell to and how they sell it.

Running IT is soon going to switch to a fully “zero touch” process when it comes to hardware and software sales. Running IT’s team can now offer approved products that are automatically delivered to customers via their chosen distributors

Overall, Running IT’s team now spend less time on administration and more time on their customers.The additional time spent with customers has led to stronger relationships and, through the standardisation of their service offerings, has led to increased revenue across their customer base.

Salesbuildr saves us countless hours each month in creating great-looking quotes for our customers. Our Running IT branded customer storefront allows us to control what our customers buy, making our services and support much easier to manage.
Rob Zwezerijn, CEO, Running IT

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